From The Archives: Matspeak: “Soalan Bodoh – Jemputan Edition”

First posted on 17 January 2010.

I’m sure most of us have been to jemputans and encountered the typical barrage of greeting questions most of which are just plain stupid questions. Here are a few classic soalan bodohs, and some typical answers.


1) “N’ari tak kerja eh?” – “Not working today eh?”
Probably the most common of the soalan bodohs, however depending on the person this may or may not be irrelevant. Obviously for most people that don’t work on weekends the answer is “Tak. Kalau kerja tak’kan aku kat sini s’karang”, thus making it a stupid question. However for people that do shift work on weekends it becomes a valid question, usually answered with either “Kerja, tapi shift start malam/petang, jadi lepas ni pergi kerja lah.” if they’re going to work after the jemputan or “Ah! Tadi shift pagi jadi lepas kerja baru datang lah ni.” if they just came from work in the morning.

2) “Apa kau buat kat sini?” – “What are you doing here?”
Another common soalan bodoh ‘max out’/’to da max’ nyer, obviously you’re there to attend a jemputan, however what they’re actually asking if they’re not idiots is in what capacity you’re attending the jemputan. Some common responses are usually “Tengok S’dara/kawan/members kahwin lah apa lagi.” or “Orang jemput, jadi gua datang lah.” or “Abang/kakak/adik/s’dara kahwin jadi tolong-tolong lah.”

3) When you are sitting down polishing of a plate of briyani – “Dah makan?” – “Eaten yet?”
No explaination necessary.

4) When you are sitting down polishing of a plate of briyani – “Baru Sampai?” – “Just arrived?”
Bodoh because obviously a nearly finished plate of briyani means that you’ve been there long enough to either queue at the buffet and tahan a super long queue to get your makan or wait a decent amount of time for the servers to serve you and finish most of it.